Choosing the Right Radiation Shielding Materials
Radiation shielding plays a vital role in protecting us from the source of Radiation. It is a harsh problem in a wide range of industries from the medical sector to the Nuclear energy industries. Because, Radiation causes we have to face many dangerous diseases like cancer, Thyroid, and skin problem, and to shield it, radiation-shielding materials and products play a crucial role.
So, Jaytee Alloys & Components Limited decided to fight against it by providing a better solution. We supply high-quality Radiation Shielding Materials that are more efficient and effective in shielding these hazardous rays. We deal with different materials and products to protect our esteemed clients safely and securely. We aim to provide a radiation-free environment.
Available Radiation Shielding Materials
There are many types of Radiation, and their shielding varies with the nature of Radiation. So, we have to need different kinds of materials to shield them. Therefore, Jaytee supplies various materials with high density and low melting points. Some Materials are as follows.
Lead(Pb) is very soft and corrosion-resistant. It has a high atomic number(82), leading to a high electron and proton. So, it is mostly used as the best Radiation Shielding Products and has also proven to be the most effective metal for shielding.
Bismuth (Bi) also has a high atomic number which helps reduce radiation transmission.
Tin is also the most effective metal for radiation shielding. It is the best barrier to gamma radiation.
We supply our Radiation Shielding Materials after analysing capacity and key factors that should have for better shielding. Our expert teams give their efforts in the research and testing of metals. To explore which metals can work efficiently. We offer the best solution for shielding our customers and making a deep-rooted relationship with them.
To learn more about our materials, you can visit the above link, where you can get complete information about our materials.
Lead-Based Shielding Materials
Lead is most useful for shielding and is also used to form the different types of metals that can contain the feature of lead and work as it is but lighter than lead. Some lead-based metals are tin, copper, zinc, silver, indium, and more. These can also be used for radiation shielding.
Lead-Free Shielding Materials
Lead materials and products are generally more expensive than lead-free metals, but these can be used for radiation shielding. They can use it in the replacement of lead. It is manufactured with other metals also without lead. Some lead-free materials are Bismuth, Tungsten, and many more.
Jaytee Alloys & Components Limited: A Leader in Radiation Shielding Products
Jaytee provides both types of materials Lead-Free Material and Lead-Based materials. These also give safe and secure protection. We have worked in this industry for several years and leading the best supplier of Radiation Shielding Materials. We are not compromised with our quality materials. We always focus on giving complete satisfaction to our clients. To acknowledge more information about our materials and products and for any query, contact us.